Bobby Watts

A Medical Respite Facility

You’re Two? Look How You’ve Grown!!

Two short years ago, on July 15, 2020, the National Health Care for the Homeless Council established the National Institute for Medical Respite Care (NIMRC). For the next month, we will celebrate our two-year anniversary by highlighting NIMRC’s accomplishments and sharing how we will continue to advance the practice of Medical Respite Care (MRC) in the years to come.

You’re Two? Look How You’ve Grown!! Read More »

CDC Foundation and NIMRC award nearly $1 million to medical respite care programs in five states to strengthen behavioral health

February 28, 2022 In partnership with the CDC Foundation, the National Institute for Medical Respite Care (NIMRC) has awarded $953,000 and two years of technical assistance to five programs nationwide to integrate behavioral health services and medical care to unhoused people who are medically vulnerable. Over the next two years, programs will receive support in

CDC Foundation and NIMRC award nearly $1 million to medical respite care programs in five states to strengthen behavioral health Read More »

National Institute for Medical Respite Care Celebrates First Year

July 9, 2021 The National Institute for Medical Respite Care (NIMRC), a first-of-its-kind institute designed to advance best practices, provide expert services, and promote state-of-the-field knowledge in medical respite care, will mark its one-year anniversary on July 15, 2021. A special initiative of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, NIMRC has made a

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Leading Voices – Caitlin Synovec – Literature Review

Caitlin Synovec is the Medical Respite Program Manager for NIMRC.

As medical respite/recuperative care has grown, the available research and publications on medical respite have also increased. Previously, the most recent synopses of the evidence supporting medical respite care were completed in 2009 by the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and in a systematic review by Kelly Doran et al. in 2013.

Leading Voices – Caitlin Synovec – Literature Review Read More »

Grantmaking Partnership of CDC Foundation/NIMRC Awards $1.6 Million to Programs in Seven States and Washington, D.C.

February 15, 2021 The CDC Foundation (CDCF), in partnership with the National Institute for Medical Respite Care (NIMRC), has awarded $1.6 million in grants to nine existing and emerging medical respite/recuperative programs across the country. Grant support will be spread over a two-year period and will include customized technical assistance for each program. Medical respite/recuperative

Grantmaking Partnership of CDC Foundation/NIMRC Awards $1.6 Million to Programs in Seven States and Washington, D.C. Read More »

National Health Care for the Homeless Council CEO Appointed to the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force

Bobby Watts, Chief Executive Officer of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, is one of 12 leaders nationwide appointed to the Biden-Harris Administration’s COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force, the White House announced this week. In response to the appointment, Watts said: “I am deeply honored to be appointed to the COVID-19 Health Equity

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Leading Voices – Bobby Watts – Why the Council?

Bobby Watts is the Director of the NIMRC Initiative and the CEO of the National Health Care for the Council.

Interest in Medical Respite (aka Recuperative Care) has increased dramatically over the past few years, and interest accelerated during the past months of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to this increased demand for Medical Respite Care, two months ago, the National Health Care for the Homeless Council established a new special initiative, the National Institute for Medical Respite Care (NIMRC). Our goals are ambitious: to increase the number of Medical Respite programs, increase the quality of their services, and increase the sustainability of Medical Respite programs.

Leading Voices – Bobby Watts – Why the Council? Read More »

Issues – Barbara DiPietro – NIMRC’s Public Policy Focus

Barbara DiPietro is the Director of Policy for NIMRC.

Our goal at the National Institute for Medical Respite Care is to improve health care services and health outcomes for people who are homeless. But the success of medical respite care programs depends on strong public policy support. That’s why NIMRC has a dedicated policy focus that examines how legislative and administrative policies can further promote effective programs, and engages key stakeholders so they better understand how to partner with us in that effort.

Issues – Barbara DiPietro – NIMRC’s Public Policy Focus Read More »

Leading Voices – Bobby Watts – Why Now

Bobby Watts is Director of the NIMRC Initiative and CEO of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council.

For many years, the National Health Care for the Homeless Council has worked to support, promote, improve, and expand the practice of Medical Respite, and the Council is recognized as the undisputed expert on Medical Respite Care. So, many may wonder: Why create the National Institute for Medical Respite Care (NIMRC) now? Here are three of the reasons:

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